
Bad Blogger Lindy Hopper

six months ago i started lindy hopping. before that i was already a bad/infrequent blogger, now i would say i am a bad/pathetic blogger.

have plans to upload some new work, but it all needs tweeking! the above footsteps element are from some posters i have been working on. funny that they should have a dance feel!

i seriously cannot wipe the smile off my face that lindy has put there! i am sure some would like to smack it off!

there's me dancing with some men in stripes - always a good thing!

anne and kerry in london and cc in athens (very proud my preaching has gone international) are some victims (who i can link!) of my lindy recruitment policy.

now, if you think that you might just like lindy, and things 'don't mean a thing, if they ain't got that swing' i truly urge you to SIGN UP NOW!


Kerry said...

Did my first ever bit of freestyling this evening. VERY exciting!

A happy convert

Michelle said...

I'm beginning Lindy Hop classes in July! I can't wait, it looks like so much fun.